
Gianni Caravaggio
Giacinto Di Pietrantonio

(…) we can say that Gianni Caravaggio has assumed for himself the task of investigatine new possibilities of an idea of landscape, and that he pursues this icon with all means given to us by the freedom of art expression. As a matter of fact, his works, big and small (I refer to dimensions, of course), swing between micro- and macro-cosmos. (…) By doing so, the artist means to establish a way to look at the world. That world which he can recreate, substituting the Divine Player, or playing the game of Nature (of Science, nowadays), thus giving to us new eyes to observe the world with. Let's not forget, in fact, that we do not observe the landscape with our own eyes, nor with God's eyes, and not even with the eyes of Nature, or Science. We observe the landscape with the eyes of art. So many are the expression that humanity has adopted inspired in this sense: we offen refer to a misty landscape as "leonardian" (referring to Leonardo da Vinci), or we say "Expressionist landscape" when we see it flaring up with the colors of sunset or down. We talk about a "Cezannian mountain" when grazing light on a mountain makes us see nature in a geometric form. All this is to prove the importance of art in our visual civilization, and the role played by the artist in establishing the images of reality - a concept brought to extreme consequences by Gianni Caravaggio in some of his works. (…)